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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Haven't been here for quite some time.

Hi everybody,

Haven't been here for quite some time. Private life was really busy and energy consuming.
But if there are enough scrappers out there who wants me to continue this blog, I will come back.
Please leave a comment and let me know !


Angèle said...

Natuurlijk Hinke! Je hebt zo lang beneden aan mijn favo bloglijst gestaan! Hoop dat er veel geintereseerden zijn en dat dit blog weer lopen gaat!

Liefs, Angèle

Annelies said...

Wat mij betreft ga je inderdaad weer door, ik heb een hoop van de genoemde layouts opgeslagen ter inspiratie!

Janice Guazzo said...

I would love for you to continue. I always do multi photo layouts.

Anonymous said...

love for you to come back...I check back often and am always anticipating your return

auntieanne said...

come back! have been anticipating your return.

Anonymous said...

je staat nog steeds bij mijn favourieten...
grtjs bea

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